Nestled in the heart of Victoria Falls, The River Gallery stands as a serene sanctuary for the soul, where the vibrant spirit of African art comes to life. Its walls dance with an array of narratives and colors, weaving tales of ancestral wisdom and modern creativity.
The River Gallery adjoins the iconic Lookout Café, which is dramatically perched at the edge of the Batoka Gorge. The gallery promotes some of the region's very best creatives, showcasing world-class artistic quality and proudly African craftsmanship. Collections include paintings, sculptures, jewelry, and other beautiful African creations, contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the continent.
We offer a curation service to help you build a collection that’s right for your space. Either live or through zoom calls, we can guide you through our portfolio and suggest works for your budget. We also help collectors navigate the process of commissioning and purchasing of works from artists of their choosing.
We offer worldwide transport with either DHL or Fedex. We work closely with our suppliers who are accustomed to packaging and transporting artwork timely and safely.